Monday, January 7, 2013

Age UK project: Buildings

My Journey 

Firstly we was given a tour of buildings around Stockport, we briefly researched buildings and buildings that have been replaced. We also went too the Heritage Centre to get more information. On a Tuesday morning we visited the Day Care Centre too speak to some friendly people with Dementia. Our task was too speak to someone around Stockport, and ask them to tell us some of their memories around the area and write down their quotes. After we would use this to recreate the memory for them to be placed in a book.  

The most thing I found difficult with this project would of been, talking too someone I did not know, about their personal life and having dementia, its a delicate situation. Speaking to Mary the women I was given, she was friendly and made it easy to speak too. However because Mary was not from around Stockport much, she did not have any memories I could use for the project which made it very difficult too try and get any information about it. She did tell me a very funny story which I based my work on, and was able to bring stockport into it. 

The turning point for me was, once I got my idea, because that was the difficult part, trying too find a middle in the story, Stockport and how to recreate it. Once i had the idea it was easy, I knew how I wanted it too look and it all fell into place after that. Having said that because we was on very short limited time, it limited us on how far we could of taken this project. 

I think my client was actually pleased with my outcome because I did manage too bring Stockport into it, which was her main concern. Also because I made a 3D piece, it was different to the rest of the groups, and she just wanted to know how to photograph it in different angles. 

I think doing these type of projects are important because, for one I think doing projects like this for someone, has meaning which for me I like doing. Most my work that is a reflection on myself has meaning or representation, I like working toward that area. Also I think its important because it gives us an idea of how it is going to be in the real world. Having clients and working to what they want. We need those skills too be able to work with others and work for others for the future. 

Story Behind Mary's Influences 

Mary's husbands parents owned a lighthouse in Scotland  and she was telling me that her mother in law was up there one day and she fell out of the window! But her mother in law was saved by her own skirt, which created a parachute. her skirt was so long that it blew up in the air and saved her landing in the water softly.
Mary found this so funny that she said it was one of her favorite memories.  

This influenced me to recreate that memory, because it was her favorite and it was very humorous which was my style. I decided to create a 3D piece of her mother in law falling out of the lighthouse. Because I needed it too relate back to Stockport and there is no lighthouses in Stockport I thought too make it look like it  catches by another memory.  I looked for tall buildings around Stockport, which was the ST Marys Church and I used that building to make it look like as Mary looked at the tall building it reminded her of the time when her mother in law fell. This allowed me to bring the the two ideas across which getting the task right. 

For the work, I used newspaper for the base and I used wool mainly because in the interview she mentioned wool and that she like to knit and craft a lot. So that also represented her using these materials, I also used felt, card, printed images, stitching tools, stones and sticks.

Used newspaper and wool to spin around instead of painting

The women falling I made the inside like this with felt and stuffed it with pipe cleaners and then added wool for hair. I then used material to create the skirt so you can just about see the top half of the body in the skirt. 

I created a 3D look of the 2D image of the church because I wanted it too all look 3D but because I was in limited time, I could only create it like this otherwise I would have built the building. 

Mary the women I spoke too, this is a material version of her, too show she is looking at the church that reminded her of the memory. This was so the image would speak more for its self than having to understand.

Women falling from the light house

Trees around the church

Final product

Final product