Sunday, November 24, 2013

'Underwater Whispers' 'Animation and little Storybook'

I created an animation based on my story I am tell about a girl who gets bullied, in high school and at home, she feels she has nowhere to go and so she creates her own safe haven, which is underwater. I then decided to use snapshots of the animation and create it into a little story book.

For the animation I just used flat felt, I cut all the shapes and left them loose so I could move each piece around.


'Tamed' is a piece I did based on a emotion i felt. its based on the fact of having your own freedom and not being chained to the ground, the word freedom can mean anything. 

After the painting I decided to do some testers, I wanted too place lyrics behind the drowning women, so I decided to find some songs I felt was related, using Photoshop.