Friday, May 3, 2013

Creative Review

Creative Review

Film- Lion King
‘Lion King’ is a favorite film of mine ever since I was a child. I love the colours used and the story line. I think its really clever how they thought of the ideas of a tribe and connecting it too a moral. The colours used are very warm and summery; they based the scene in Africa. Back then it must of taken ages making a animation by hand, I think those type of animations are the best, because you can see how much work was put it and all the other Disney films.

Magazine- Cake Decorating
‘Cake Decorating magazine’ is one I’ve been collecting for some while, I love baking and cooking, which I do think it helps on my 3d work being practical. I use this magazine to get ideas and improve on making shapes and patterns. It explains how to make cakes so they rise and how too make the icing into animals or objects.

Book- A Felt Farm 2001
‘A felt farm’ book is written by Rotraud Reinhard, I love this book because it has given me ideas too grow and improve my skills in needle felting. As I am new too this type of media this book has help me be able too improve in the detail and show me easier ways to make the animals. I enjoyed reading it because it does relate to my work and things I want to learn.

Another book I really like and learnt from is ‘Big little Felt Universe’ I really like the ideas of making stuff felt toys. Step by step it shows you how to make these objects and gives you templates to work with.


3 Pieces of advice i have been given this year

This quote was given by my Tutor, The first year I was struggling and now I seem too find my path and enjoy what I make. Now I feel abit more comfortable talking about my work! I think it has help me feel more comfortable talking about my work knowing my Tutors believe in me and my work is actually good.
Second quote is by Tim Burton! Ive always loved his work since I was in high school, and this quote stuck to me because I think its true and relates to many artists that use alot of expression aswell as just a painting.

Another quote from my Tutor, she has helped me a lot this year find myself and find my style. I really think I have grown this year and peoples words have helped me. I also think I have started to have my own style and hopefully people will notice thats my work from my style.

Kelly Rae Research

Kelly rae is a brand that is sold in stores, such as Clintons, I really like the style of work its interesting, different, as uses different types of media. They are made with textile materials and paint! photographed flat onto canvas!

I Wish I had Done That

Kay Petal is a artist I found in 2013, she is inspirational because I think shes the best needle felter
ive seen. Her work is intense, bold, detailed and exact to the real forms. I love her work because I want too be as good as her with her needle felting, she uses bold colours.


Brendan Jamison is another person I admire, I love his work and this he is really clever how he comes up with these ideas and uses them. 3D sculptures made out of sugercubes! He carves into his buildings and they are really detailed. I wish I could come up with something like that.

Portfolio Temps

mood and memory plants

You are to
apply the theme of 'Memory
' (the theme to the Times Cheltenham
Literature Festival 2013) to your response and avoid the obvious interpretations of
Roman Gods, astrology etc.
Instead, as this is a competition focusing on narrative
illustration, your entry may be drawn from your own memory, experience or your own
invented fictional response. November 2013 marks the 100th anniversary of the
publication of the first volume of Marcel Proust's
Remembrance of Things Past, and as
we are also approaching the centenary of the start of the First World War in 2014, it is
an especially apt time to consider the fundamental role memory plays in underpinning
our lives, our wider culture, our
interpretation of the past and our shaping of the
future. Memory is to a very significant extent an active creative process of recreation

rather than simply information retrieval. With narrative and metaphor at its heart, it¹s
remarkably close to fiction
writing, and a theme which is fertile ground to explore, with wide
ranging implications for autobiography and memoir, poetry, history and of course
My ideas!
My idea was too base the plants colours in the paintings but not add the plants in. I wanted to use the quotes of the plants as the themes, 'Jollity', 'The Bringer of Old Age', 'The Bringer of Messenger'. For 'Jollity' I created a 2D piece and added materials so that when I scan it in it will give a 3D effect. For 'Old Age' I love the poem 'Havisham' and I wanted to bring that to the project because its based on a old lady. 'Messenger' I wanted to use the old fashions way and have a bird bring the messeges and sit on his bird cage.