Friday, May 3, 2013


3 Pieces of advice i have been given this year

This quote was given by my Tutor, The first year I was struggling and now I seem too find my path and enjoy what I make. Now I feel abit more comfortable talking about my work! I think it has help me feel more comfortable talking about my work knowing my Tutors believe in me and my work is actually good.
Second quote is by Tim Burton! Ive always loved his work since I was in high school, and this quote stuck to me because I think its true and relates to many artists that use alot of expression aswell as just a painting.

Another quote from my Tutor, she has helped me a lot this year find myself and find my style. I really think I have grown this year and peoples words have helped me. I also think I have started to have my own style and hopefully people will notice thats my work from my style.

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