Friday, December 6, 2013

Hopes, Fears, Opportunities

My hopes in the future would to be successful in my own practice, that's what everyone hopes for. I've always known since I was a kid that this is what I wanted to do, I always wanted too be some sort of creator, in craft, or in any creative industry, its in my nature and so hopefully Inshallah my talents and skills will be strong enough too be viewed in the industries. i would like to be known for my work, i think it is important as a designer that you become famous with your work that's when you know you have been successful

Fears, I would say everyone has a fear of failing, failing has always been a issue, or never being good enough, I never want too feel that way about anything or my work. My work is a massive part of me, so failing or not being good enough is another way of saying I'm not good enough. I work harder as a creator, and Ill always try doing more so that I can say I've done enough. 

Another fear would be never getting a job in my practice, just feel like all that work in my degree would of been for nothing, and I could never go back to a normal job, when knowing this is me and what I do. 

 Fear would be, having really difficult clients, I think it makes it not as enjoyable working with someone who is difficult. Also not getting any clients would be the biggest fear, as you would be out of a job, you have to be adaptable and open for you to be able to work for different clients needs. 

Not doing enough and not giving it all!

Opportunities would be a hard one, as I am open too briefs, jobs anything that will build me up on a learning path as well as being successful. I like too be known for my 3D making as well as maybe working on some books or something. I don't mind even teaching my own practice too students, to be honest I like working on new briefs so it gives me more of a open range and not sticking too one area. 

Hopes, Fears, Opportunities for the last semester
For my last semester I would like to finish with a big bang, I want too make my final piece the best piece work I have done in the 3 years. I want my work to show my learning path and how far I've developed, and how I am growing. I think as a artist you do always learn and your always learning and growing as life goes on, In most cases it will always be like that. My last project I want it to really represent me but have a really big meaning in my work where people and my teachers will go 'WOW', I want them too finish with a positive note and hopefully come out with at 2.1 or wishing 1.1. I hope my work speaks for itself and will get me the grade I deserve. I do have fears on my last project as it is my final, I hope it can get it all completed and find a good path too use for my final piece where I don't get bored or stuck half way. Hopefully I will get opportunities to show my work when we go London and hopefully after I finish uni. I am thankful for my teachers, I think they have been a big help and push to helping me find who i am and they will always influence me. 

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