Saturday, December 7, 2013

Website Research!

I've always admired Tim Burtons web page, it influenced when i designed a web page back in college. I've always loved the idea of how its been done. The little sketched man walking into a gallery of Tim Burtons work, think its really effective and creative, I would like to do something like that with mine. I wouldn't use his colours though, as his colours represent his work, and i'd say my work is very colourful with prints and very feminine. I could maybe make a sketch doll and have him or her walking along side my work, maybe a seahorse as I love seahorses and it is used as my logo, plus it goes with my underwater theme. I could maybe make a seashell doll walking. Think this idea would work for my website because its playful I think most my work shows I am playful of new ideas. 

This website I came across a young women named Gemma Correll, her webpage is a 50/50, I like the fact that her whole blog represents her and her work I think that's whats great about it. I don't really like how its laid out I find its a bit to busy and there's images and text everywhere, sometimes you don't know where too put your eyes. The colours are simple, not over powering i think that would make it look really bad with all the images. Most her blog is based on black and white sketches. I do like that each section of her work is in sections, like all her prints are in a page, posters, on another. 

As Kelly Rae Roberts is a big influence it was necessary for me too use her blog as a good example. Her webpage represents her work really elegantly, she has some of her work as the background, not to over powering. There is sections for each area of 'Work', 'Contact', 'Portfolio', 'Shows', its bright and bold. I think the colours work really well as they don't clash with the printed work behind. I think her logo is what makes her page her page, everyone has a logo to represent themselves or a image, I think I would defiantly have a logo for mine so people recognize my work. 

I came across this illustrator called peter spells, I looked at his webpage too learn more about his work, I realized I really didn't like his page, it doesn't function as well as its meant too. It doesn't really say much about his and there's only a gallery on his webpage, there's no information about the artist or any real contact or quote from him. His page is very bland and dull, its all black and grey soon as it uploads, there's only a lil bit of colour from his illustrations. 

AOL is a really good example for a webpage!, every page is professional and clean, each page illustrates a artist and allows you to view their work and background. There are many other pages you can go on like, 'Events', 'Varoom' page all sorts, which makes the page more fun. You can also easily contact them with all the contact details, for the site owner and the artists signed. 

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